Sin affects us all. We are all sinners, and are all guilty of things we wish we wouldn’t have done. However, sometimes the guilt of these sins, the guilt of failing God, can really start to take a toll on us. Whenever I feel myself being pulled down by my past sins there are a few passages I love to turn to. Honestly, the entirety of Psalm 51 is awesome to read when feeling weighed down by sin, but my favorite verses are Psalm 51:11-12, “Turn away your face from my sins; blot out all of my guilt. A clean heart create for me, God; renew in me a steadfast spirit." Psalm 51 is an awesome chapter to read because not only is it comforting, but it’s super easy to read and understand. I also love it because sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly the right thing to say to God when asking for forgiveness, and this chapter is literally a prayer to God begging for mercy. The next verse I love to flip to during times of guilt is Romans 5:8, “But God proves His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us,” also popularly known as “I loved you at your darkest.” This is one of my all time favorite Bible verses. I absolutely adore all versions of this verse and find it so calming and comforting. God did not wait for us to be sin free to send His Son to save us. He sent His Son "while we were still sinners.” He looked at us during our darkest of dark times, our lowest of low points, when we felt so unloved and so undeserving, and He said “I love you.” We so often think that there is no way God could love us after knowing the sins we have committed, but let me remind y’all that sin's power does not even come remotely close to the power of our King. Sin is not powerful enough to stop God from loving and caring for us, and it never will be. So next time sin creeps in, I pray that y’all turn to these verses and pray for God’s love, peace, and mercy.