Naturally, as humans, we can become weak and weary. We are given this idea that we constantly have to be strong and everything we do must be executed perfectly. The stress of trying to be perfect is almost harder than actually trying to be perfect. No one ever wants to appear weak, but isn’t that normal? It is normal to have points of weakness. It is not normal to be perfectly strong all of the time. But weakness is a very hard thing to accept. It’s hard to swallow your pride and just say to yourself “Okay right now I’m feeling very weak and that is okay. I just need to let God get me through it.” However, embracing weakness humbles us and allows us to really realize who is in control. A verse that really reminds me of this is Psalm 18:2-3, “I love you, Lord, my strength, Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, My God, my rock of refuge, my shield, my horn, my stronghold.” It’s a very popular verse, and I find that when we read verses we have heard so many times before we forget just how profound the words are. So read that verse at least three times over, and then really think about how amazing our God truly is. He is our STRENGTH. We do not have to constantly be strong and perfect because He is strong for us. He allows us to have these moments of weakness so we can be reminded that He is strong enough to carry us. He is our ROCK and our FORTRESS. He allows us to feel safe and gives us a sense of stability that is unlike anything we could experience on this earth. He is our DELIVERER and our SHIELD. He is literally fighting our battles for us and delivering us from these moments of weakness when we feel like we will never be able to get up off our knees. How amazing is our God? Our King, who is fighting our battles, who is saying “It’s okay to be weak sometimes. I am going to be strong for you so that you can come out of this weakness better than you were before.” So next time you feel weak and beat down, turn to Psalm 18:2-3 and remember that our King will be strong for you, and deliver you out of the pit of weakness.