From the moment we’re born friendships are instantly part of our lives. Our moms dressed us in the cutest newborn onesies and off we went in our strollers to playdates with our other baby friends that we couldn’t even talk to. It is a known fact that human connections and friendships are a vital part of not just human life, but also Christian life. God calls us to live in community with one another and to support one another on our paths to heaven. But what happens when a friend isn’t as good to us as we are to them? What happens when you have a friend who only comes around when they need you? What happens when you have a friend who leads you to sin and temptation? That’s when it gets kind of tricky. We’re called to friendship, but what do we do when some of those friendships are more toxic than beneficial? It’s not always easy to figure out an answer. Most of the time these friendships have lasted months, years, maybe even our whole lives, so it’s never easy, or necessarily healthy to cut someone off cold turkey. Sometimes God calls us to stay in difficult friendships in order to be a lesson or teacher in that person’s life. There’s a good chance that you have a beautiful, Godly quality that our King wants the other person to learn through you. However, it is never your job to fix or change someone who is not interested in being fixed or changed. God’s working on them in an extremely more powerful way than we humanly can. So what do you do then? When you're placed in a difficult, toxic friendship where you’re being so hurt it’s causing you severe emotional pain. Pray about it. Pray for yourself. Pray for them. Pray for the friendship. God gave you a gut feeling for a reason. If you believe that that person is leading you away from heaven and away from who you truly are, take a step back and approach the friendship from a distance that is healthiest for you. God works in mysterious ways. Ending or distancing yourself from a friendship is never easy, but you never know when God will pop that friend back into your life to form an even stronger relationship than the one you had before.
