We go through so much in this life we are called to live, and at some points it can feel like we’re fighting a losing battle. Recently it has been so hard to put my faith first. I know that sounds weird. The girl who writes a Jesus blog is struggling with her relationship with Jesus. But it’s the truth, and it’s a season of my life that is so hard because I’m struggling to see Him. Even though I’m home for the summer, healthy and happy, I am not reaching full joy because my soul is struggling to see Him in it. However, it is now, in these moments, when I feel so weak in my faith that I am reminded that God is Greater. One of my favorite sayings is “God is greater than the highs and the lows” because that is the one thing we must remember in order to keep going through life. We must constantly remind ourselves that God is greater. God is greater than the breakup, the bills, the grief, the anxiety, the depression, the broken friendship, and even the sinner who has strayed too far away. He is also greater than the engagement, the A on that big project, the monetary success, and the happiness. God is greater than it all because He is above it all. It‘s so easy to say He is greater than the lows, but when it comes to the highs it can be hard to remember to keep God first. We must remember to make time for Him in the highs so that we are prepared for the lows.