We’ve been told since we were little kids at vacation bible school that we are made in God’s image and likeness. It’s a wonderful thing to hear, but have we heard it so much that it’s lost its meaning? I know for me it has seemed that way. Then, a couple months ago at a bible study, my perspective on this verse was changed. The leader, a lovely soul named Becca, asked us to think of the most beautiful thing we’ve seen in nature. Some of the responses included: the Grand Canyon, beaches, waterfalls, mountains, sunrises, and sunsets. She then said as stunning, beautiful, and astounding all of those things are, they weren’t created in His image and likeness, but we were. Now think about that. Think about what that means in regards to your own beauty. Every ounce of who you are, mentally and physically, was extensively thought out by the King of the world. Your beauty radiates 100 times that of every sunset, beach, and waterfall you’ve ever seen. In a world full of constantly confusing standards for how we should look, it’s up to us to narrow in on who we truly are. We’re not a dress size. We are not a number on the scale. We are not how many likes we get on our latest social media post. We are, however, daughters and sons of the one true King. Who, during His own son’s agony, suffering, and death, thought “my children are worth it.” We are every ounce of the word beautiful because the Creator of heaven and earth created us with a purpose. God perfectly made you in an effort to show the world how phenomenal His creations are. You are a living vessel of God’s word and love, and there is no better way of expressing this than in the love we show to ourselves and others. So, next time you're standing in front of the mirror, think less negatively about the body and spirit God made in HIS image and likeness.
