Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there, whether you’ve physically had a child or not. Because let’s face it, being a mother means so much more than the physical birthing aspect. I am blessed to have so many amazing motherly figures, some of whom don’t even have children of their own. Mother’s Day is a day we are able to celebrate strong, loving, Christ-like women in our lives. However, today wouldn’t truly be Mother’s Day if we didn’t take a moment to shout out the ideal mother, the Virgin Mary. She is the shining example of not just motherhood, but womanhood. Now when you’re born without sin I guess that makes it a little easier, but we can still try our hardest to be like her. Mary’s love for not just her own son, but for all those around her is a testament to what motherhood truly is. Today, take a moment to sincerely thank your mother, grandmother, aunt, friend’s mother, sister, cousin, or whomever else you may look to as a mother figure in your life. Also, don’t forget to thank God for putting them in your life because He never puts someone in our lives by accident.