We live in such a changing and unforgiving world that it can be hard to comprehend a God who is the exact opposite of that. Everything about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is so incredibly perfect that it can start to feel too good to be true. I think that this is why it can be so hard to be confident in our faith 100% of the time. Because we believe in a God who is unlike anything we have ever humanly experienced. While it’s difficult, it is also so incredibly beautiful. So much of the things we worry about are due to our constantly changing world, but we have the ability to believe and trust in a God who never changes. We live in a world that is so hesitant to forgive and constantly encourages holding grudges and cutting people off the moment they mess up, but our God is the exact opposite. He is waiting in excitement to forgive us, and to show us mercy and compassion. Instead of doubting God due to how different He is from us, embrace God for that same reason. Adore Him because He is unlike anything on this earth. God’s level of love for you is constantly the same, from the moment you were conceived to the moment you die. No sin, no suffering, no shame will ever be strong enough for God’s love for you to decrease. He is a King who is infinitely good, and that will never change.
