Loving yourself and who God created you to be can be one of the hardest things we are challenged to do in this life. We live in an increasingly harsh and judgmental world, one especially critical towards women. The Victoria Secret Angel is the ideal woman’s body in today’s society, and while women who look like that are beautiful, so are women who don’t. There is no perfect rule book you can buy to teach yourself how to love yourself. Self love is learned through experience. When I got to college self love was most definitely at the bottom of my list. I was in a toxic state of mind where I only thought I was beautiful if my boyfriend told me I was, or if I got over 100 likes on my instagram post, or if I got invited to that party everyone was dying to go to. It wasn’t until the second semester of my sophomore year where I really and truly started loving myself for who I was and began being unapologetically me. I began realizing that not everyone is going to love me for who I am and that’s okay. The only thing that truly matters at the end of the day is if I am happy with who I am, and more importantly, if God is happy with who I am. I may have lost some relationships in the process of my self love journey, but God allowed true, genuine relationships to form in the ashes of the old ones. I embraced the fact that God created me and that made me beautiful. You have to learn to love yourself and be proud of the daughter God created you to be no matter what anyone thinks. The only approval that we should be seeking in this life is God's. It is important to remember that even though our beauty in society is often defined by the way we look, our beauty in Heaven is defined by the ways we exemplify God by just being who He created us to be.