Gosh, how often do we do this? I know I do. So often I lay in bed at night and think “How have I made time for God today?” and sadly, sometimes I don’t have an answer. So then I make excuses: I had a long day at work, I had a bunch of sorority stuff to do, I had to study for a huge exam, I had to go out for a friend's birthday. The excuses can sometimes be endless, and, at times, I break my own heart at how pitiful some of them are. In reality, I should be thanking God for these excuses. I should be glorifying Him for the fact that I have a job, that I am in a great sorority, that I have the privilege to attend college, and that I am blessed with amazing friends. Perspective is huge in terms of how we respect and follow God. How did we get to a point to where we use our blessings as excuses for not making time for Him? On days when I can’t seem to think of a moment when I made time for God, I have taken God for granted. I have taken His love, His mercy, His blessings for granted. So how do we stop this? How do we stop taking our King’s unending love for granted. We can start by simply organizing our lives a little more. We can stop overcommitting ourselves, and start, slowly but surely, carving out more time for Him into our daily schedules. We can start putting praise music on in the car, or listening to a Christian podcast. We can start a new devotion, do a novena, or start going to a bible study. When walking to and from class we can say small prayers to Him thanking Him for our day and talking to Him about the good and the bad. Instead of reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, simply thank Him for waking you up and profess your love for Him. We aren’t perfect, and God knows His unending love will not be reciprocated 100% of the time, but we are capable of trying harder. We are capable of pushing ourselves closer and closer to Him. So stop making excuses, and start making time.