Social media is a great thing that every single one of us use daily. While useful, it also attributes to a lot of our struggles with accepting who we truly are as individually unique sons and daughters of God, whether we realize it or not. When we look at social media we compare the realness of our own lives to the seemingly perfect lives of those we see through the phone screen. People going on glorious trips, getting engaged, and receiving promotions at their dream jobs flood our timelines, and we are convinced that not a single challenge exists in their lives. Because who wants to post about the challenging things in life? Not many people want to post about having a bad week, a breakup, a mental illness, or a failure. Therefore, it can be easy to assume that everyone else is thriving while you are the only one on the struggle bus. But the thing is, is that our social media lives are not our real lives. And I mean that as they’re not a full reflection of who we truly are. We go through so many things that we don’t want to put on display for the world to see, and that is okay. However, keep that in mind the next time you’re spending a night in binge watching Sex and the City, and aimlessly scrolling through Snapchat stories, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. All of those “perfect” people you see online have struggles that they don’t want to share either, but that doesn’t mean that they live a life without problems. God made each of us with crosses we have to bear, some big and some small. Some we feel comfortable with sharing online, and some we want to handle personally, and that’s okay. You do not need to feel discouraged when you scroll down a social media platform. Keep in mind that everyone has a challenge they are facing, and no one lives a picture perfect life.