Let me begin by saying that I know how you feel. I know how bad you hurt. I, myself, have asked God “Why is this happening to me?” just like you’re doing right now. Unless you’re one of those rare people who end up marrying the first person you date, you will more than likely encounter a breakup and with it, a heartbreak. One of the biggest reasons why breakups are so difficult is because we tend to attach our worth to them. We allow our significant other to determine our worthiness and if for some reason things don’t work out we deem ourselves "unloveable." We feel that since one person doesn’t love us anymore then we must be unworthy of love. It is such a gut-wrenching feeling and leaves us searching for things to fill that hole that has formed in our hearts. Most of the time those things end up leaving us feeling more empty than we did before. We search and long for that love we felt with that person and try to put the blame on ourselves. We search for this “perfect love” in people, but the truth is is that this perfect love that we desire and desperately need cannot be found on earth, but in Heaven. This Heavenly love will not leave us blaming ourselves, or feeling worthless, lonely, and empty because this love never ends. This love from God is the love that our hearts are searching for. It is this Godly love that enables us to love ourselves, because we can’t expect someone else to love us if we can’t love who we truly are. It is when we enter into a relationship without loving ourselves that we end up depending on our significant other to define our worthiness. Not every relationship will end perfectly and honestly, thank God, because you never want to settle for anything less than what God has planned for you. We also must realize that these breakups and heartbreaks put us one step closer to the spouse that God has for each of us. When you begin to feel discouraged about love or lonely, pray for your future spouse. There is someone out there that God specifically made to love you and give you the love that you deserve. Do not allow a heartbreak to make you feel hopeless. Our Heavenly King has an intricate, amazing plan for your life. If he took a relationship out of your life it’s to allow for a better one to form in the future. Do not doubt God’s plan for you, nor His capability of making a difficult situation flower into a life changing and empowering lesson of self worth.
