Often times we only think of all the things God can do for us. He’s all powerful, all knowing, and is capable of more than we could ever humanly imagine. He performs miracles, saves lives, and even answers our smallest of prayers. However, sometimes I can’t help but think, “He does so much for me, how could I even remotely do something for Him?” But the fact of the matter is we CAN do things for God. While it won’t even be close to the magnitude at which God helps us, we can still do things for Him. First, and most obviously, we can spread His word. In today’s society, this task isn’t an easy one. In a society that relies so heavily on the internet, it can be so difficult to profess your faith when, often times, social media opposes it. However, we must remember that we are called to spread His truth of unending love and mercy to all those around us. Secondly, and most importantly, we can help Him by loving all His children. There is so much hate currently in our world. Between arguments over sexuality, race, politics, and immigration, it can be hard to remember that at the end of the day, God loves your enemy just as much as He loves you. So often do we as a society take judgment into our own hands, when the only hands who should hold it are God’s. As Christians we need to be spreading His truth, which is ultimately His love. The biggest thing we can do for God is to love our neighbors as ourselves. It’s the greatest command His Son left us, but it is one of the hardest. It can be challenging to show love to the co-worker who gets on your nerves, the girl you can’t seem to get along with, or the person who broke your heart, but at the end of the day that is what we are called to do. We are called to look at EVERY person we encounter and remember that our King created that person with love and a purpose. We are so blessed to worship such a generous King who constantly showers us in His love, mercy, and blessings. The least we can do is spread His word, and to send His love to all who we encounter.